Hi! I'm Candi Randolph

I would love to give you this quick, simple course, to help you focus and find the 5 secrets (that's what I call them) to happy and healthy living as you move through midlife.

As women over 50 we are faced with unique challenges. At 64 years old, I face them every day.

You'll learn what I do to keep a healthy perspective, stay focused, keep my weight and physical stamina intact, and more.

You have nothing to lose, nothing to pay, and a fresh, positive perspective to gain. Go ahead and sign up now!

What You'll Learn in This Free Course

Hint: It's All About the Secrets of Happy Midlife Living

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    Let's get started! Here is the course overview

    • Start Here: Hello and Welcome!

    • Secret #1 - You are One Person with Three Distinctive Elements

    • Secret #2 - You Only Have One Body - Care for It and Nourish It Daily

    • Secret #3 - Act Your Age...Sometimes!

    • Secret #4 - Celebrate Your Maturity

    • Secret #5 - Treasure Each and Every Day with Family, Friends and Loved Ones

    • Put It All Together

Get Started Right Now!

As a woman in midlife, you are aware of the challenges we face very single day.

Here are the tools you need to live a happy, healthy life!

Sign Me Up!