About Me

My background and experience


If you're like most people you want to know who it is that is instructing the course you're considering. I don't blame you...I do the same thing.

So here is a little bit about me, my background including work and life experience.

I'm in my 60's as I write this, so no spring chicken here, folks. But you know what?  Along with age comes life experience, and I've had my share of that.


My work and career background includes 25 years in banking, where I worked my way up the ladder from an entry level position to Vice President of a medium sized bank. It was during this time that I gained a solid foundation in adult education.

I also had the very unique experience of helping to start a new bank, and worked there are SVP for six years.

Owning a business, several of them actually, has also been a part of my life. My late husband and I owned a building company in Michigan. After we moved to Florida I started my little interior decorating business as a part time thing, and over the years it eventually grew into a 7 day a week, 6 figure home staging business.

Somewhere along the way, around 2009, I discovered the world of the internet as a business, and stumbled/learned/discovered my way through that process. Well, you never really get through the process of learning the online business trade, but I've gained so much valuable experience in the last 10 years!

My website ventures have come and gone, and finally in early 2018 I created InspireMyStyle, a midlife blog for women. What a tremendous learning experience that has been! Blogging is hard work with many long hours put into the creation of new material, but I truly love what I do.

You might want to check out my newest site, BeYourBetterYou.com, which is devoted to self care for women, something that many of us neglect to place as a top priority in our lives. You'll find a variety of encouraging and inspiring self-paced digital courses there! 


You really don't want to hear the story of my life, as it is not that exciting. But there are some highlights that have been instrumental in who I've become today, so I will share those with you briefly.

I've been married twice, have two children by the first marriage and one step child from the second.

My second marriage lasted for 20 years and I was fortunate to find my soul mate. I wish everyone could have that experience!

During those 20 years my husband and I had many happy, fruitful times of great business and prosperity.

We also got caught in the economic downturn in 2007 and lost everything.

After relocating from Michigan to Florida in 2006, we started over again in the Sunshine State (why not? :) 

Life was good, the sun shone every day and we both worked very, very hard to rebuild our lives. We had a lot of fun, but as time went on my husband became unable to work and longer, then became critically ill, and passed away on New Years Day, 2016.

I was totally devastated, having lost the love of my life. But I decided to carry on for myself, family, kids and my grandchildren.

I worked very hard (probably too hard, but that's what I did) and built my small decorating/staging business into a  figure a year operation.

It was also very important to me to take care of myself physically, emotionally and spiritually, having a strong faith in the Lord.

Fast forward to the latter part of 2018, where I decided to let the business in Florida wind down, and moved back to Michigan to be with my family.

I also decided to create my first online course, Inspire Your Life, as a way to share how I have maintained a healthy lifestyle and outlook in the midlife years with other women my age.

So here we are now, with this course published and other online course ideas rolling around in my head. More to come soon...and if you're still reading this, thank you for your interest!

I hope you find the material on this site beneficial and inspirational.
