Hello & Welcome!

My goal is to inspire you, whether it be in the form of motivation, self development, starting a business or taking your existing business to the next step.

I've been around for awhile...over 60 years, actually. So, I've learned some valuable lessons along the way, in both my personal and professional life.

And that is why I can provide the direct, simple, hands-on, specific, understandable and pertinent knowledge to my students.

You won't find a long list of initials after my name, or fancy titles, but that is why my courses are so helpful to people like you.

I speak your language, I've lived where you live, I have experienced these topics first hand.

My background includes adult education, yes, and that helps me communicate in the most relatable way. So let's get started, shall we?

Looking forward to having you as a course participant!

About Your Instructor & Author

Candi Randolph is a midlife blogger in her 60's who has owned and managed several successful businesses in Michigan and Florida. 

Her life and business experience have included times of prosperity and times of devastating loss, including the loss of her husband, best friend, and soul mate at the age of 60.

Life is a tough teacher sometimes, but she decided to move forward, one foot in front of the other, into a new chapter of her life.

These experiences, as well as her ability to see things clearly and present them to others in a clear, concise and entertaining way, create the perfect scenario for creating courses, eBooks and eGuides.