Feeling Fashion Challenged?

Sometimes it seems like we've lost our fashion mojo in midlife.

Our body has changed, things have shifted, we look in the mirror and wonder who that older woman is staring back at us.

What once seemed fairly simple...putting an outfit together and feeling confident...has flown out the window most days.

We start to question ourselves, sometimes wondering who we are at this stage of life.

You don't want to dress like your mother, and looking like a twin to your daughter (or granddaughter) doesn't cut it, either.

But you know what? You are beautiful, and you do have an authentic, personal style.

The challenge is to rediscover the 'magic'. Well, my friend, I'd love to share what I've learned, as a woman in my 60's, with you.

Style and Fashion are about more than what you wear. 

So. Much. More. 

You may have been searching, googling, scrolling, Pinterest-ing, Instagram-ing, and more, ‘til the cows come home, and still the “secret sauce”, the magic formula, evades you. I'm 64. I understand.

Our confidence is less than spectacular when it comes to things like:

  • what clothes look good on us with our midlife bodies
  • how to use the clothes we already own to our advantage
  • how to shop wisely and understand what to do with what we buy (so we're not on a first-name basis with the sales associates in the Return line
  • how to style an outfit to bring out the positives in our figure
  • what colors look best on us now that our skin and hair are changing
  • how to articulate, then dress to our authentic, personal style (we all have one, you know!)

Feeling confident with style, or not, isn’t particularly a subject that we want to share with our friends. It’s a very personal thing. Sometimes we feel like we’re the only woman on earth who can’t figure out how to put an outfit together and know, for sure, that it’s the right look. 

Well, no worries there, my friend, because you’re not alone!

How to Discover
Your Personal Style in Midlife

Find your Authentic Signature Style and you'll feel confident styling an outfit, creating a wardrobe that you’ll actually enjoy wearing, and knowing what makes you tick, from your head to your toes!


  • Understand with clarity why some outfits look good on you and others don’t make the cut. 

  • Regain the confidence to embrace your midlife body as you discover what makes you...YOU!

  • Recognize that your style is comprised of so much more than what you wear.

  • Discover WHY and HOW to select the clothes that will make you feel great, inside and out!

Hi, I'm Candi, the course Creator

I’m Candi Randolph, a Midlife Blogger at InspireMyStyle.com and coffee lover (thought you'd want to know that :) I have a passion for encouraging, inspiring, and motivating women in midlife to be the very best they can be. That includes many facets of life, including confidence with fashion.

Be assured, I am not a fashionista. Nor am I a fashion blogger. Actually, you don’t want me to be a fashion blogger. Why? Well, I will say, respectfully, that many times a fashion blogger will show you a slew of photos of themselves wearing one particular outfit, encouraging you to buy that particular outfit.

That’s nice, but you know what? That outfit might be the worst possible choice for you.

I don’t want you to do that. And, The Fashion Cure is not about fashion per se. Nope. It’s about YOU discovering all of the facets that make you who you are, including your signature style. You really have one, whether you know it or not.

You’ll learn, step by step, how to recognize, verbalize, then live, your signature style, every day. Does that mean you'll get all dressed up every single day? Well, no, not unless that's your particular style statement. But, you WILL know and understand why you choose to dress the way you dress, and how that fits in with your authentic signature style.

How did I do this? Where did these ‘steps’ come from?

Well, I've lived for 64 years now and have learned how to embrace who I am, flaws and all, and live my best life, every day.

It's not all roses and lollipops by any means, but I know that taking care of my body, inside and out, taking the time to work out, eat well, listen to what my body is telling me...all of these actions help me to live every day as...me. The best version of me that I can be.

I've also learned that I am happiest and most confident when I wear my hair (I just went from auburn hair color out of a box to my natural gray, and I love it!), makeup, clothes, accessories, the entire package, in a way that expresses me. 

Not anyone else. Just me.

Sounds so simple, right? But sometimes it's not. 

We have little voices inside our head telling us how we should look, that we're not young anymore, why bother when our body is shape-shifting before our eyes...you know, all that negative talk that can really drag us down.

I work hard, every day, to silence those voices and love myself, as I am. 

This is what I want to share with you, particularly from the standpoint of fashion confidence. Because when we feel good, inside and out, it shows. And it makes such a difference inside of us.

Some of these principles will be familiar to you, as they are widely accepted methods of learning about our bodies, our skin tones, our shape and our preferences.

I have taken these principles and combined them with my life experience, background as an Interior Decorator and Home Stager, business owner and entrepreneur, and created a system that will give you exactly what you need to become more confident in your own personal, authentic style. 

The Fashion Cure is easy to navigate, with a combination of video lessons and reading material. I'll ask you to complete some simple activities, too, so that your ability to apply what you learn to your own life will be most effective. And, it's fun.

What is THE FASHION CURE All About?

The Fashion Cure Online Course (value $149) includes 8 Modules with 21 Lessons in total, packed with helpful insights, tips, checklists, how-to's, practical and useable advice, plus all of this:

  • Fashion Assessment - to help you understand how you see yourself, and your confidence, with styling an outfit and creating a wardrobe for yourself

  • Wardrobe Assessment - yes, my friend, we will be taking a look at everything in your closet, and you’ll be armed with the knowledge to make a wise decision about each piece. And yes...it will be fun!

  • Body Shape - what is yours? How does it affect the styles, cuts, and colors of your clothing choices? Handy printable guide to carry with you!

  • Personal Style Plan Worksheet - use this as you complete each lesson and watch your Personal Signature Style come to life

  • Core Wardrobe Planner - some extra guidance for anyone who is curious about the wardrobe basics for a woman in midlife, including a printable for reference

  • 6 Steps to Put an Outfit Together - my no-fail process that will work for anyone and make it fun, not agonizing, when you style yourself

  • 3 Keys to Rediscovering Your Authentic Signature Style - you’ll have this in your hand, literally, at the end of the course. This is the key that you have been searching for, and when you complete the course you’ll have gained this knowledge and insight!

  • Course Bonus: Capsule Wardrobe - is this the right choice for you?

Extras, just for you!

all included with the cost of the course

  • Set of 4 eGuides

    (value $16) A set of 4 eGuides that speak to the areas we need to focus on in midlife: Fitness, Nutrition, Wellness, and Confidence.

    The perfect compliment to The Fashion Cure. They’re quick reads that are packed with practical insights.

  • Seasonal Wardrobe Planner

    (Value $16) Whether you’re adjusting your wardrobe for climate changes, variety, preferences, or a rotating capsule wardrobe, this easy-to-use planner will help you keep track of all of your separates, determine what might be needed to supplement your wardrobe and travel with you as you shop. A fun method for staying organized!

  • A Month of Inspirational Quotes

    (Value $16) A month of inspirational quotes for women in midlife, speaking of style, confidence, life, aging and more.

    Fashion is about so much more than putting on the outfit, and these daily inspirational words of wisdom remind us of that. Start your day on a positive note!

You Won't be Disappointed

Think of the time, money and frustration you’ll save by actually knowing, without a doubt, what will look best on you, express your Personal Style, and convey who you are as an individual.

How do you put a price tag on that feeling?

Don’t spend another day feeling less than confident about your figure, your style, your mojo...you’ve got nothing to lose and so very much to gain, my friend.

I’m confident you’ll be thrilled with what you learn in THE FASHION CURE. But, if you’re not 100% satisfied, contact me within 30 days of purchase and I will offer you a full refund, no questions asked.


what would you like to know?

  • I’ve seen some of these topics before. Why should I spend money on this course?

    I get it. You may have read about some of the key topics covered in the course. I present them in a very specific way, and in a specific order, layering and building on each lesson cohesively. THAT is what makes the difference and helps you discover how they all fit together into your Personal Style.

  • You’re not a Personal Stylist or Wardrobe Consultant. Don’t you need credentials to teach a course like this?

    Actually, no. I respect those who have taken the time to gain certain credentials, and they may offer something similar at a much higher price tag. I’m all about being affordable, with practical, useful and livable tools for women in midlife. It’s the quality of the material and the impact it has on the student that gives a course credibility.

  • I already have a style that I enjoy and feel pretty good about. What can I learn from you?

    It’s awesome that you know and like your style. Look at it this way. Fashion Over 50 can help you discover how to express your style even more effectively and with additional self confidence. The lesson on wardrobe assessment could be a winner for you, too!

  • What will I walk away with when the course is completed?

    When you complete all of the lessons in Fashion Over 50, you’ll have your own Reinvented Personal Style, in writing and in your hand, to use as a guide and reminder of who you are when it comes to your authentic style expression and signature look. Oh, and you'll not be lacking in the self confidence department, either!

  • How long does it take to complete the course?

    The modules and lessons themselves are not lengthy, and you could probably work through them in several hours. There are several assignments that are critical for you to complete in order to fully appreciate the material. Give yourself about a week to 10 days to complete everything in the course.

  • Is there a guarantee?

    Absolutely. I think you're going to love what you learn in The Fashion Cure, but if you are not satisfied, contact me within 30 days of purchase and I will refund the purchase price.

Prefer to learn via email?

Now you can have The Fashion Cure delivered to your inbox!

I understand that an online course structure isn't for everyone. Signing up and logging into a course is second nature for me, but some of us just don't feel comfortable with that type of learning.

So, I have another format for The Fashion Cure that is the same material, but delivered to your inbox. One Module per day for 8 days. Boom. Once you receive the material you can go through it and complete the lessons, or save it until you have the time. It's up to you.
Cool. I Prefer to Learn with an Email Course

Here are the Lessons You'll Receive

(if you've read this far, you want to see all the details, right?)

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome, I'm so glad you're here!

  • 2

    Module 1: The What and The Why of The Fashion Cure

    • The Fashion Cure - Course Overview

  • 3

    Module 2: The Why and the Where, Some History, Please

    • Lesson 1: Why are you here?

    • Lesson 2: Why does it matter?

    • Lesson 3: Where are you now?

    • Lesson 4: Look to your past choices

    • Lesson 5: Discovery: Create a Pinterest board or a file folder

  • 4

    Module 3: Discovering Our Body Shape and Our Personal Style

    • Lesson 1: Understand Your Body Shape

    • Lesson 2: Discover Your Personal Style

    • Lesson 3: Define Your Personal Style

  • 5

    Module 4: Color, Baby, Color!

    • Lesson 1: What Colors Look Best on You?

    • Lesson 2: How to Incorporate Color Into Your Wardrobe

  • 6

    Module 5: The Secret to Putting an Outfit Together

    • Lesson 1: A Core Wardrobe for Women Over 50

    • Lesson 2: How to Put an Outfit Together

  • 7

    Module 6: Let's Tackle the Closet!

    • Lesson 1: It's Time to Evaluate the Wardrobe

    • Lesson 2: Let's Come Back to Our Personal Style

    • Bonus Lesson: Is a Capsule Wardrobe the Right Choice for You?

  • 8

    Module 7: Lifestyle & Confidence Weigh Into the Picture

    • Lesson 1: Our Lifestyle & Location Influence Our Wardrobe Choices

    • Lesson 2: Confidence Weighs Into the Picture

  • 9

    Module 8: Put It All Together

    • Rediscover & Reinvent Your Personal Style, with Confidence!

    • Resources

  • 10

    Course Bonuses

    • Here are Your Course Bonuses!

Total Value $197

Today's Price Just $27

What Participants Have to Say...


I needed this. Feel so much better about myself and didn't realize how the shapes and colors of things would change how I look. thank you


I learned so much about how to dress and shop. Thank you.


Well worth it! I had heard about some of these things but never really applied them to me and learned more about how to make outfits to my personal style.


Are You Ready?

I hope you’re as excited as I am about the possibilities, the transformation, the self confidence that can be gained from The Fashion Cure. Are you ready? I’d love to see you on the other side!
YES, I'M READY...Sign Me Up!

30-day money-back guarantee if you're not satisfied. Just email me within 30 days of purchase and I will refund the cost of this course:  [email protected]